Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Go forth and multiply...

You might remember that we have a bit of a critter collection going on in our back yard. I have already described Melly's squirrel problem and shown you how we're handling the rabbit problem. Well, the squirrel problem has been solved somewhat with this. They are not all gone, but their population has decreased since they have had to look elsewhere for lodging. But, seriously, over the winter, the backyard rabbits took it upon themselves to follow the good Lord's wishes and multiply, multiply, multiply. Some of them may even have added, regrouped and cosin-ed a bit. Every day we have a multitude of fuzzy, cuddly, adorable, cotton-tailed bunnies eating every blade of grass, clover, and pansy in our yard. Melly loves to chase them but they are smart enough to know where the invisible fence is so they hang out just on the other side of the line. Smart little dudes. I love seeing them in the evenings, nestled in a patch of clover. Last night, there was one in the front that didn't seem to mind having his photo taken. He was content to eat the crabgrass and clover.

And, just as I was going back in the house, the good Lord gave me a sign that he liked the rabbits, too.


Tiffany said...

We have rabbits too. Along with skunks, snakes, squirrels and lots of bugs. I tell my 5 year old to go catch the bunny and he hauls ass. LOL

The Mrs. said...

ooh I wish we had rabbits. I asked flyboy the other day why he thought we never saw any. His reply, "We have giant groundhogs, coyote, bears, foxes, need I go on." Point taken.

Ali said...

We have rabbits too--they're so cute I just hope they don't venture into the backyard. My dogs got a hold of 2 baby skunks last week!