Finished, over, stick a fork in me, done. Not to mention angry, pissed, disappointed, incredulous. I will never watch The Bachelor/ette again. I took 5 pages of notes during the finale, and I am not even going to blog about that part. The train wreck that was After the Final Rose just killed any love I had for Jason Mesnik. No, I am not going to give him the benefit of the doubt. He doesn't deserve it. What he did last night was unforgivable and if he did it because ABC told him to, it makes him look even worse. You don't break up with someone on national television and then not ten minutes later, make out on national television with someone else! Every other Bachelor/ette in history has had the decency to give the relationship their best try and let them run their course out of the public eye. What Jason did to Melissa was just wrong. She showed a lot of class and tried to fight for the relationship that she thought they had. She was blindsided and had every right to punch him in the face. I wish she had. And then Molly...the more I watched her, the more I hated what was happening. I can't believe ABC thought this would make anyone look good. Maybe they don't care if the contestants look good. They are getting great press from all this and they are eating it up. Already, Jason has been on Jimmy Kimmel and Good Morning America. I won't be watching any of it. I am done. There is nothing they can say tonight on After the Final Rose 2 that will change my mind. Even my beloved Jillian can't salvage this fiasco. She should know better. I can't believe she is willing to put herself through this circus. What will the ABC producers get her to do? Get pregnant? Then the After the Final Rose show can be the paternity test. Which of the bachelors is the daddy? This show has officially broken my spirit. Reality Steve, I take back every terrible thing I ever said about you. You were right.
6 days ago
I will join you in your lifeboat as we abandon the Bach forever. What a freakin' waste of 3 hours last night and who knows how many hours all season. NEVER again. (but tell me what happens on the other part tonight)
As I told Amy Amy Bo Bamey - I think they were all in on this. Neither Melissa nor Molly looked shocked, it all seemed scripted on all parts - Chris H., Melissa, Molly and Jason. I thought they all seemed to be faking it. Very Jerry Springer - go for the ratings even if it is all made up.
Is Jillian really the next one?
Yep...just a big setup to draw in ratings. I am with you about never watching again. My new saying about my former lover is this:
Jason can suck it. He makes me sick.
I'm still pissed off.
I watched last night b/c nothing else was on and flyboy was asleep. WOW. I hadnt watched all season and couldnt believe it. And I kept thinking the whole time wow wheezer is going to blow over this! What a slim ball. just disgusting. And what was with Molly's hair. YIKES.
Totally there with ya. I really wanted to think Realitysteve was not true-I tried giving jason the benefit of the doubt, thinking he would not do such a thing.
His true colors shine. UGhhhh....
What a joke, I agree. Jason has no balls! Poor Ty got drug through this mess.
Well, I guess Reality Steve is spot on!
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